Fungi growing in a crack in the pavement by the side of Compton Road, look like they might be the spring orange peel fungus, aka golden cup.
Reasons for doubt: golden cup is originally a north American species. It has been recorded in the old world, in Japan as well as Europe. But British records are all from distant parts of England: East Anglia or the south coast, mainly around the New Forest.
But the most likely confusion is with the commoner orange peel fungus, which is definitely not the one pictured here. That one has a pale convex surface (like orange pith) whereas this is concolourous (the same colour all over) like the American species. The orange peel fungus fruiting bodies appear in autumn or early winter. These came up earlier this month, just in time for a spring fungus.
At the moment the fruiting bodies are tiny. I’ll try to keep a watch to see if they get larger to get a better view.