St Peters church at dawn

St Peters church at dawn

Views of St Peter’s church just before dawn recently. The first and third pictures were taken from West Park, looking (roughly) east and towards the direction where the sun would shortly rise.

St Peters church at dawn

This view from Lichfield Street was taken as close as I could get to the same interval before sunrise a couple of days later. The effect of looking into the cold northerly light was exaggerated because there was no cloud to catch the red glow of the still-concealed sun this time.

St Peters church at dawn

Snail on an ivy leaf

Snail on an ivy leaf

During the recent spell of hot weather, this snail was resting for the day on an ivy leaf.

Russula species

Russula species

Many members of the russula family are both common and brightly coloured.  This one, whatever species it is, lacks a bright colour.



Found on marshy ground, here the edge of the pool in the Hampton in Arden LNR by the packhorse bridge.