The leaves of this thistle, photographed a few days ago on the Cotwell End LNR, were so green they looked like new growth.
Bracket fungus on willow trunk
There’s been very little in the way of fungi around this autumn, in what is normally the peak period for them. Most of what has been visible has been bracket fungi, often already fairly mature.
This specimen was growing on the sawn-off trunk of a willow. It may have been another chicken of the woods, but I couldn’t get near enough for a close look.
Slo-mo video of wasp eating
Something else I tried out for the first time: the high speed movie mode on my camera. This is of a wasp eating on an ivy flower.
Hopefully the picture quality will improve with practice. But even on a first try I was stunned watching the segments of the insect’s abdomen moving in relation to one another, and the way the antennae waved around.