Looking up to the peak of Barrow Hill

Looking up to the peak of Barrow Hill

The final stage before the top of Barrow Hill. The cross was provided by Pensnett church at the foot of the hill. The unofficial decoration on the cross, presumably, by Pensnett youth.

Gel-like mushroom

False chanterelle, possibly

These fungi are growing through fallen cones and fir tree debris. They look like they have been moulded out of a pale orange gel.

CORRECTION: identified by Lukas Large as possibly false chanterelle

Brown toadstools

Brown toadstools

Today’s posts are all of small, unidentified mushrooms. These are two groups of the same species at different stages of development. They were growing in an roadside lawn.

Brown toadstools

Tree of heaven

Tree of Heaven

Vivid autumn colours, but once again from a cultivated, exotic tree.

Matted reed-mace tops


This layer on top of the bullrush fruiting body is fairly common – moist in the upper example, dried in the lower. Is it some form of mould?


Field mushrooms

Field mushroom

The standard mushroom of the supermarket shelves. Someone had knocked one over to give a clear view of the gills, below.

Field mushroom