Fuchsia flower

Fuchsia flower

Some garden flowers to start today. Fuchsias remind me of the warmer climate of Devon and Cornwall, so they have seemed incongruous this summer.

Dryads saddle

Dryads saddle

A bracket fungus. This was a decidedly mature specimen, growing on an abbreviated tree stump.

Dryads saddle

Flag iris flowers

Flag iris flower

A plant which prefers wet conditions, growing even in shallow water. These were pictured after heavy overnight rain, and still had a few drops of water hanging down.

Flag iris flower

Red-cracking bolete

Red cracking bolete

Sometimes called a “Penny Bun”, this mushroom can be found at any time from summer through to early winter.

Red cracking bolete

Red cracking bolete

Poppy seed head

Poppy seed head

The large seed case of a cultivated variety, spotted in a front garden.

Lime flowers

Lime flowers

Used to make a herbal tea, and also claimed to have a wide range of beneficial properties by herbalists.

Yellow rattle flowers

Yellow rattle flower

The cold wet weather this summer has been bad for a lot of plants as well as animals. But some meadow flowers seem to have thrived. One such is yellow rattle. There has been a fine crop alongside clovers and grasses in the Barley Field in the Smestow Valley LNR.

Yellow rattle flower

The “rattle” part of the name comes from the seed-bearing stage later in the year. The actual seeds are held loosely in seed cases. As they ripen, the plant can be shaken to make a noise like a baby’s rattle.

Yellow rattle flower

Yellow rattle flower

Yellow rattle flower

Yellow rattle flower

Meadow flowers

Bramble flowers

Bramble flowers

Almost a month ago, flowers at all stages on a blackberry bush. Some were just coming into bud. Others had already been fertilized, and the fruit were on the first stage of ripening – there is one just peeping into the bottom of the frame in the picture below.

Bramble flowers

The pictures were taken early in the morning on a dull day.