Lambs lugs flowers

Lambs lugs flowers

Lambs’ lugs are also known as lambs’ ears – another flower which caught my eye in someone’s front garden.

Grass seed maturing

Grass seed maturing

This stalk of grass was one of the survivors of a recent mowing, which helped it stand out more than usual.

Pansy flowering by a roadside

Pansy flowering by a roadside

This was one of several tiny pansies flowering by the side of a minor road round the corner from the entrance to the Pendeford Mill Nature Reserve.

Ladybird on a thistle

Ladybird on a thistle, flower gone over

This ladybird had chosen to land on the one thistle flower which had already gone over, perhaps because that was the one with smaller insects for it to eat.

All the better to see

Umbellifer flower visited by a hoverfly

This insect with its huge eyes is a hoverfly. It was visiting the flowers on the umbellifers in the Barley Field, in the Smestow Valley Nature Reserve.

Umbellifer flower visited by a hoverfly

Thistle flowers

Thistle flower

This sturdy thistle was growing in someone’s front garden, and evidently thrived during the recent wet weather.

Thistle flower