Exeter mayfly in July

Exeter mayfly in July

Mayflies can be seen all summer, despite the name. This one was resting on a railing by the river Exe.

Cress flowering in a spring

Cress flowering in a spring

The flowers on this cress plant were tiny.

The patch was growing in a patch where a spring was forming on Lee Downs on the north Devon coast.

Seaside sunsets

Seaside sunset

One thing I miss living in Wolverhampton is frequent photogenic sunsets

Fishing boat heading to sea at sunset

When I was in Devon recently, each night seemed to produce a sunset with vivid colours which differed every night.

Seaside sunset

These pictures were all taken in Ilfracombe – most from high on the hill at the back of the town, a couple from the terrace of the Quay Inn, right by the town’s harbour.

Seaside sunset

Seaside sunset

Seaside sunset