
Boletes growing under trees

Yellow-cracked bolete

Yellow-cracked bolete – one picture is of a mushroom someone had kicked over, showing than on the underside of the cap the spores are released through pores not gills in this genera. The same picture shows how the yellow pores turn blue when bruised.

The final picture in the set is of a lone individual of a different but unidentified bolete species which was growing under the same few trees outside a block of flats, the former Wolverhampton Customs and Excise Office.


Verdigris mushrooms, city centre

Verdigris mushroom, city centre

Verdigris mushrooms, the colour of their caps strong at first, later more delicate after rain. These were growing on wood-chip mulch near the city centre Sainsbury’s.


Autumnal maple leaves, Bridgnorth Bylet

Autumnal maple leaves, Bridgnorth Bylet

Vivid autumnal colours from the leaves of a maple on the Bylet at Bridgnorth.


Horse and foal, Himley

Horse and foal, Himley

Horse with a long bushy mane and tail, with sleeping foal in a field at Himley.


Glistening inkcaps on mossy stump, Himley Plantation

Glistening inkcaps on mossy stump, Himley Plantation

Glistening inkcaps, usually grow on clumps on wood – tree stumps or underground deadwood. There were just a few on a mossy stump in Himley Plantation.

Glistening inkcap on mossy stump, Himley Plantation


Mycena species, Himley Plantation

Mycena species, Himley Plantation

Mycenae are a genus of mushrooms where it is often difficult to identify individual species. They are small, have a thin, fragile stem, and are usually pale with a conical cap. Several different mycena species are included in these pictures, taken on a recent visit to the Woodland Trust’s Himley Plantation.

Mycena species, Himley Plantation