
Loosestrife flowering among bullrushes

Loosestrife flowering among bullrushes

The deep purple flowers of purple loosestrife at water’s edge, standing out here despite being dwarfed by bullrush leaves.


Young grebe swimming by a narrowboat

Young grebe on canal, Castlecroft

The same young great crested grebe featured in the previous post. When I passed the same way a couple of days later, the bird was swimming right past the narrowboat moored by the Ceeders Social Club. As it went by, its wake created swirls in the reflections of the bright paintwork of the boat.


Young grebe on canal, Castlecroft

Young grebe on canal, Castlecroft

Young great crested grebe which has taken up residence on the canal at Castlecroft. Possibly one of this year’s brood of one of the pairs on the lake at Pool Hall Fishery nearby.


Common sandpiper, West Park (record shots)

Common sandpiper, West Park (record shots)

Seen about an hour ago: common sandpiper on the lake at West Park.

First spotted flying across the arm of the lake nearest the city centre. Landed on a fallen, bare tree by the island on that side of the lake. It seemed totally unconcerned by the other, larger, birds nearby.

Turned around several times, stretching its wing. Then, after a few minutes, flew away under the bridge.


Holly blue on ivy

Holly blue on ivy

Holly blue butterfly, female, resting on ivy. May have been in the process of laying eggs – ivy is one of the food plants of the caterpillars.

Holly blue on ivy


Duck with two ducklings, Compton

Duck with two ducklings, Compton

Female mallard with two ducklings hatched towards the end of July. The trio have been patrolling the canal downstream of Compton lock.