Hogweed flower 2 July 2010 by DavidThis fleshy plant used to be a cheap way of feeding pigs – hence the name.
Magpie 1 July 2010 by DavidThis is probably a young one. It let me get close enough for a picture even though I didn’t have a particularly long lens.
Cuckoo spit 30 June 2010 by DavidNot in fact what the name suggests, but a froth which hides and protect the nymph of a froghopper: a small insect.
Broom 29 June 2010 by DavidThe plant which gave its name to the sweeping implement which used to be made from it.
Razor strop bracket fungus 28 June 2010 by DavidThis fungus is now aging as it grows from the trunk of a fallen birch tree.
Woundwort 27 June 2010 by DavidApart from its beauty as a flower, this plant has had a whole long list of uses in herbal mdeicine.