
Wagtail high on a chimney pot

Wagtail high on a chimney pot

Wagtail looking down from a chimney pot, keeping an eyeon what was happening below.

Wagtail high on a chimney pot


Standing room only

Standing room only

River Severn at Bridgnorth, where there is usually a large patch of dry sandbank upstream of the Bylet, where lots of water birds can stand safely while waiting for any offerings of bread. But after several days of heavy rain the only refuge was this tiny patch of ground downstream of one of the piers of the bridge.

Standing room only


Fatsia beginning to flower

Fatsia beginning to flower

Wolverhampton parks are planted with a mix of trees and bushes to try to ensure that there will be something in flower at pretty much every time of year. This fatsia, one of several bushes in West Park, begins to flower as autumn starts to show signs of giving way to winter.

Fatsia beginning to flower


Funnel cap, Bushbury

Funnel cap, Bushbury

Funnel caps, a group of mushroom species with a cap which is depressed towards the middle, above the stem. This is a common funnel cap, the most frequently found. Colour varies from white to (often) brown, and usually grows in association with deciduous trees.

This one was just inside one of the entrances to Bushbury Cemetery.


Coral in Bridgnorth

Coral in Bridgnorth

Coral growing in Bridgnorth: it’s a coral fungus, not a coral reef, of course. It was growing, inconspicuously, in one of the beds in the castle grounds.

Coral in Bridgnorth


They’re back – the West Park cormorants

They're back - the West Park cormorants

These two cormorants seem to have got into a routine. A few days hanging out in West Park, then off for a few days before they return.

When they are in residence they spend most of their time high on the bare top branches of the tallest tree on boating lake island, coming down every once in a while for a fishy snack.

By the time this post appears, they may well have gone off again.