
Purplish periwinkle

Purplish periwinkle

Is it purple or is it blue? What colour is this periwinkle flower, do you think? Part of the winter colour from the planting at West Park.


Wood blewit, well grown

Wood blewit, well grown

Wood blewits are common fungi which grow in association with trees (surprise), deciduous or coniferous. The young mushrooms have a blueish or purple tinge, especially on the stems. The last traces of this colour is just visible on the stem here.


I can do this for hours

I can do this for hours

Swan standing on one leg, the other leg tucked under the wing so that only the foot was showing. It kept this posture for some time before starting to walk.


Cygnet, portrait from above

Cygnet, portrait from above

Portrait of a cygnet swimming on the River Severn, seen from above as it was about to pass under the bridge.


Bees, sheltering from an autumn wind

Bee, sheltering from an autumn wind

Bees taking shelter from a stiff autumn wind by clinging to the lichen-covered stones of the ruins of Bridgnorth Castle.

They were probably two of the insects which live in one or other of the several beesnests in crevices higher up in the structure.

Bee, sheltering from an autumn wind


A river on a rainy day

A river on a rainy day

The Avon at Stratford on a rainy day earlier this month.

A river on a rainy day