Funnel cap mushroom

Funnel cap

One of several related species of mushroom whose caps take a form similar to a funnel.

Funnel cap

Funnel cap

Branched oyster fungus

Branched oyster fungus

This mushroom is growing on a tree stump by the Bridgnorth Road.

Branched oyster fungus

The black flecks must be splashed up by the passing traffic.

Ripe sloe berries

Sloe berries

These berries, on the same bushes as the posts earlier this autumn, are now making their final colour change to black.

Sloe berries

Ear fungus

Ear fungus

Described as in the title in recent field guides, but as Jew’s ear fungus until recently. This itself was from an original name as Judas’ ear fungus.

Ear fungus

The name derives from the slight resemblance to a human ear, and its habit of growing on elder trees. According to folklore, the elder was used by Judas when he hung himself.

More birds on West Park lake

Video of Canada geese, ducks and coots on the boating lake at West Park, Wolverhampton, the morning after the first light fall of snow.

Heron in the reeds


This heron, whose pictures were taken within minutes of the one featured a few days ago, was standing calmly in a patch of reeds a couple of hundred yards further downstream on the canal that the other.


It gave no sign of wanting to take flight to avoid the disturbance on the other bank.


A mixed bunch of berries

Nightshade and ivy berries

These ivy and woody nightshade berries have become intertwined, looking like the result of a weird genetic modification.

Birds on a freezing lake

Video of geese, moorhens, coots and a mallard on the rapidly freezing lake in West Park yesterday.