The fruits of the hawthorn are edible, should anyone wish to go to the trouble of making a jam, jelly or homemade wine out of them.
Ear fungus
Described as in the title in recent field guides, but as Jew’s ear fungus until recently. This itself was from an original name as Judas’ ear fungus.
The name derives from the slight resemblance to a human ear, and its habit of growing on elder trees. According to folklore, the elder was used by Judas when he hung himself.
More birds on West Park lake
Video of Canada geese, ducks and coots on the boating lake at West Park, Wolverhampton, the morning after the first light fall of snow.
Goose drinking on a freezing lake
A cross goose looks like it is drinking a lot of water as it swims on the partially frozen lake in West Park, Wolverhampton.
Birds on a freezing lake
Video of geese, moorhens, coots and a mallard on the rapidly freezing lake in West Park yesterday.