Teazel on a riverbank


This teazel is probably cultivated, but it harmonised in colour with the reed bed in the background. I couldn’t resist the picture as I enjoyed the view in an excellent pub’s outside drinking area.

Moss and tiny mushroom

Fruiting moss and tiny mushroom

I took this as a grab shot of the moss growing on a garden wall, its fruiting bodies lit up by the sun. It wasn’t until I looked at the picture that I noticed the tiny mushroom.

Silhouetted tree


This tree was outlined against the sky, growing on the bank separating the Exeter Ship Canal from the estuary of the river Exe which can just about be seen in the background.



This blackbird appeared to be spreading its wings to catch the sun.



This post, and like those for today and the next three days, are not from in or around Wolverhampton. Instead, they were taken on a short break in south Devon at the end of February. These violets were already developed in a sheltered spot.

Views of an oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

Oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

These oyster mushrooms were growing from the sawn-off stump of a birch tree in a garden.

Oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

The soil was built up, perhaps level with my chest. That’s why these views show the undersides of the mushrooms and there are better views if the gills than the caps.

Oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

I don’t know whether it is cause or effect, but the mushrooms are sprouting from there the bark has peeled back from the stump.

Oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

Oyster mushrooms can vary in colour and be seen at any time of year.

Oyster fungus growing on a birch stump

Badger Dingle: waterfall and pond

Badger Dingle: waterfall

As a tributary of the river Worfe passes through the Dingle at Badger, it is first held back to make a pool which is larger than either of the two pools in the centre of the village.

The water is then released to form one of the few waterfalls which can be seen in the vicinity of Wolverhampton (above).

Badger Dingle: pool with water weed

The pool was well covered with surface pondweed in mid-February. Notice the tracks where some water bird has been, thinning the weed in its wake.