Foxglove flowers

Foxglove flowers

Shady spots preferred. These foxglove flowers were the first I noticed this year, by a hedge in Leasowes, Halesowen.

Lady’s smock

Lady's smock

These were growing right on the edge of a canal bank.

Lady's smock

Nine o’clock

Nine o'clock

The structure of the dandelion seeds with their feathery flight supports becomes easier to notice when only a few remain on the plant.

Bluebells in a wood

Woodland bluebells

The densest display of bluebells I noticed in April was in a small wood by Four Ashes Road off the Stafford Road.

Woodland bluebells

Woodland bluebells

Access all areas – cacti


Wolverhampton parkies organised an “Access all areas” event last week. Photographers could go into what are normally the off-limits working greenhouses behind the Conservatory in West Park.


Unfortunately, all I could manage was an approximately 15-minute flying visit before I had to rush off back to work.


During that time I was taking pictures like mad – one of the benefits of digital photography.


This set of pictures of cacti is the first tranche from that 15 minutes. It is an indication of the superb plants in the park additional to those in the Conservatory and the open air.


Incidentally, the Conservatory is now re-open after an extensive renovation. It is well worth a visit.






Heron catching a small fish

Heron fishing

This heron was fishing just upstream of Hinksford lock on the Staffs & Worcs canal.

Heron fishing

It was concentrating on its prey, and ignoring anyone on the towpath on the other bank.

Heron fishing

It spots a small fish …

Heron fishing

pounces …

Heron fishing

holds the prey in its beak …

Heron fishing

swallows …

Heron fishing

and starts watching for the next victim.