
Green bottles in springtime

Green bottles in springtime

Birds do it, bees do it. So, apparently, in the warmth of a springtime sun, do green bottle flies.


Exe estuary 201602 – last moorings

Last mooring

Landscapes with boats left at their last moorings, gradually decaying. The larger boat has been slowly reverting to nature for at least a decade.

Last mooring


Collection of corvid pictures

Jackdaw on the ground

Magpies, a carrion crow and a jackdaw.

The magpies and the crow were at the top of tall trees overlooking them busy Tettenhall Road / Newhampton Road junction. The jackdaw was on the ground by the path at Northycote Farm, where it had just found something juicy to eat.


Exe estuary 201602 – Goldfinch eating teazle seeds

Goldfinch eating teazle seeds

Goldfinch busy eating teazle seeds. For a few seconds the bird had its head pointed in my direction, but mostly it was facing directly the other way.

Goldfinch eating teazle seeds


High Rock, Bridgnorth, views

High Rock, Bridgnorth, view

High Rock, overlooking the Severn valley, is reached by a path which goes through woodland after starting at the side of Bridgnorth Cemetry. Some views from along the way and from the lookout point down towards the river.


Exe estuary 201602 – more birds

Black headed gull preening

A further selection of bird pictures from the end of last month. The dominant male in a flock of house sparrows living in bushes by the footpath to Orcombe Point, overlooking the sea at Exmouth. One of unusually bold dunnocks which haunt the lane by Bowling Green Marsh, And oystecatchers, blackbirds and a preening black-headed gull.