
Pale: lichens on twigs

Pale: lichen on twig

Varied forms and muted colours of lichens growing on a couple of the bushes by the canal in Compton Rough.


Shelduck, Doxey

Shelduck, Doxey

Lone shelduck, feeding some distance from the hide at Doxey Marshes.

Shelduck, Doxey


Beginning to emerge, pussy willow catkins

Beginning to emerge, pussy willow catkins

The first few pussy willow catkins beginning to emerge from their buds, another stage in the arrival of spring.

Beginning to emerge, pussy willow catkins


On patrol: great crested grebes, Pool Hall

On patrol: great crested grebe, Pool Hall

Two of the three great crested grebes on Pool Hall fisheries lake towards the end of March. Each bird had a different stretch of the water as its territory, and was swimming up and down on patrol to make sure the others kept out.


2016: first bluebells

2016: first bluebells

The first bluebells I spotted this year, seen earlier today.

Small clumps, not a full-scale carpet, growing on a sheltered and shady bank by the canal not far from Aldersley Junnction.


Two herons high in tree, sunning

Heron high in tree, sunning

Two herons up high, in a conifer on the West Park lake island. Both catching the morning sun.

Although they were on the same bough they were standing so that the vegetation separating them meant each could ignore the other.

The paler bird, nearer the end of the branch, is an immature. The one with the darker patches also has nuptual plumes – the ones dangling at the front of its chest. But for some reason it seems not to be with other adult birds at one of the breeding sites locally.