These two moorhen chicks are probably siblings from two different broods.
They were feeding in the grass by Badger lower pool, right by the side of the road.
Wildlife from Wolverhampton and nearby
A second “Access all areas” session where the entire Conservatory at West Park was opened to photographers was held at the end of June. The pictures I took will feature in several posts in the coming days. The first instalment is this magnificent orchid which was in one of the greenhouses at the back, not normally open to the public.
The 6-spot burnet is a vividly-coloured, day-flying moth.
By my count, this one has five spots on each wing. This is not unusual.
This series of pictures are all of the same individual. They show how the colours, especially the iridescent blue, varied dramatically as it moved very short distances as it fed on the knapweed flower.