Red rattle

Red rattle

A parasitic plant.

Red rattle

These were growing in the meadow in the Coombes Valley RSPB reserve, near Leek.

Bees feeding on a patch of rosebay willowherb

Rosebay willowherb with a feeding bee

Willowherb flowers with two of the bees they had attracted. Rosebay willowherb is often one of the first generation of plants to colonise cleared ground, and often grows in clumps (bottom picture).

Rosebay willowherb with a feeding bee

Patch of rosebay willowherb

A family of geese

A family of geese

This picture, taken at the very start of July, shows one of the parent birds (flapping wings) together with young which already looked almost full grown.

Bee on a bramble flower

Bee on a bramble flower

A bee gathering nectar from bramble flowers. There is a tiny beetle to the right of the bee’s thorax in the first picture.

Bee on a bramble flower

Coot building a nest

Coot building a nest

This was one of a pair of coots which were vigorously building or rebuilding their nest at the very end of June.

Coot building a nest