
Banded demoiselle damselflies mating, Compton

Banded demoiselle damselflies mating, Compton

Seen at the edge of the canal at Compton, this lunchtime, a pair opf banded demoiselle damselflies mating.

There were at least five of the males (electric blue coloured) flying around nearby, at two or more females (green, paler and harder to spot).

One of the females landed on vegetation by the side of the water, and began arching her abdomen – dispensing pherenomes to advertise her presence. A male landed, with the two taking up the contorted looking positions to begin mating.

A little while later, another male repeatedly flew at the pair, seemingly trying to interrupt or to get in on the act. It was at this point that the mating pair moved a few yards along the canal bank to rest on fresh vegetation.