Badgers coming out at dusk

Badgers coming out at dusk

Badgers are fascinating but frustrating subjects to try to photograph. The best time to see them is around midsummer, when the young are getting big enough to play. The family come out some time before sunset, and this year’s litter indulge in some rough and tumble.

Badgers coming out at dusk

It needs a bright evening when its possible to be sure of getting down-wind of them. Keep far enough away to avoid disturbing them, so a long lens is needed. The shade means a high ISO is needed, and probably a tripod. And having sought out the most peaceful conditions, every time the shutter fires the sound threatens to spook them.

Badgers coming out at dusk

These were the best views I got a couple of nights ago. There are two individuals here – I think one of the parents and one of the cubs.