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Hawksbit flower

Hawksbit flower

Once opened, the wild flowers look like dandelions on a taller, thinner but tougher-seeming stem. IIRC, they are indeed related.

Hawksbit flower

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Field maple flowers and leaf

Field maple flowers

The field maple flowers are inconspicuous like many trees. The flowers come out at the same time as the leaves.

Field maple leaf with galls

The leaves of this tree were already showing galls (the raised reddish spots) from the mites which infest them.

Field maple flowers

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Various grasses flowering

Grass flower

Several different types of grasses flowering or coming into flower. The forms of the flowers are very diverse.

Grass flower

All but one of these grasses was spotted on roadside verges during a one hour stroll.

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

Grass flower

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Swans nesting on Wye bridge, Hereford

Swans mating, from Wye Bridge, Hereford

There’s actually a pair of swans here, mating.

Swans preening after mating

Followed up by both having a good preen.

Swan on the nest, brooding an egg

One bird (the female?) then built a nest one one of the small islands holding a pier of the bridge. The limits of the perfunctory looking nest are marked by a child’s hat which has been dropped from the bridge and an empty drinks can.

Swan preening

Later, and the swan is now preening a few yards away from the nest.

Swan's nest with egg

The lone egg will probably still be warming in the hot afternoon sun. But the pair give many signs they may be inexperienced. The river only needs to rise a few inches to sweep away the nest.

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Two different ladybirds


These two ladybirds were on different leaves of the same nettle plant. An aphid – their usual food – can be seen clinging below the leaf with the yellow and black ladybird on it.

Tiny ladybird

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Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series
As I was coming from Birmingham by train, I noticed this duck and ducklings swimming in the Birmingham canal. It was a fifteen minute walk to get back to where they were. These were the pictures I managed before a boat came along and disturbed them.

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series

She has really unusual markings, which show most clearly in this picture. Perhaps she is a cross.

Duck and ducklings series
They were giving their swimming some welly for such young birds.

Duck and ducklings series

Duck and ducklings series