
Migrant hawker dragonfly on the wing

Migrant hawker dragonfly on the wing

Early this month, a sunny day. Hot by mid-morning. On the canal between Wightwick Mill Lock and Compton, three different species of dragonfly.

Although I tried, I didn’t manage to get any pictures of the first species. Large and brown, they were continuously on the wing, flying both fast and erratically. They may have been brown hawkers.

The one pictured here was also continually on the wing, and is another hawker. Its flights patrolling its territory were a little more predictable. Some of my efforts to get its picture were once again featureless blurs. But sometimes I managed to get the panning right.

Very little detail could be grasped by the naked eye as it flashed past: an impression of blue. The camera has caught more. Its one of the migrant hawkers, but there’s still not enough information to decide which one.