
Cygnet grouping, Avon, Stratford

Cygnet grouping, Avon, Stratford

Pretty much all day, every day in Stratford on Avon, there’s a mob of birds on the river directly below Bancroft Gardens, fighting to get the bread or more healthy food thrown by visitors.

Most of the mob are adult swans, though a few of the geese and the mallards manage to squeeze into gaps.

Cygnet grouping, Avon, Stratford

Here, a group of juvenile swans were on the edge of the crowd. Their feathers show them as this year’s hatchlings, but now grown to more or less full size. They kept together, so are likely siblings.

Swan parents usually keep a close eye on their offspring until they are themselves grown up and ready to be shooed off to make a life of their own. Perhaps the adults were somewhere in the main crowd.